ID Tags For The Elderly

Medical ID For The Elderly

Medical alert and identification jewellery or ID tags for the elderly are small accessories that hold information about the persons health, medication, emergency contacts and more.

In the case of MEkey ICE ID Tags, they are based around a USB chip with built in editable forms, then the information is easily displayed on one easy to read screen.  Much easier to manage than a scrap of paper with crossings out or trying to fit in more information in a small area.

mekey ice id tags for the elderly

Our range of emergency ID products for the elderly has something to suit everyone. Products include medical ID wristbands, dog tags, ID cards, key rings cool wooden ID tags and ID pendant which all allow you to easily carry your emergency information plus medical ID and next of kin contacts.

Even if you are a fit and active senior citizen, you should always carry emergency ID for the one time you are alone, involved in an accident and you can’t talk for yourself.

Identification for the Elderly

ID for the Elderly
  • Who are YOU? Emergency ID speaks for you in the event of an accident and you can’t talk for yourself.
  • Displays emergency / next of kin contact information.
  • Essential for anyone with allergies, diabetes, dementia or any medical issues.
  • MEkey ICE ID tags also allow the uploading of a photo which provides a visual ID along with personal information.
  • Quick access to medical information will assist emergency services and hospital staff.
  • All information can be updated and safely stored on the ID tag.
  • The safety of your parents gives you peace of mind.

First Responders

MEkey ICE ID Tags provide first responders with vital and potentially life saving information.  By viewing the Emergency Medical Record screen all your allergies, medical conditions and medications are displayed.

Public Emergency ID Screen
first responder emergency id screen

MEkey ICE ID Tag Features

Easy To Read Public Screen

All the medical emergency information on one screen

Medical Conditions & Allergies

List all your medical conditions and any allergies (including drugs)

Emergency Contacts

Space for emergency contacts / next of kin


Space for all your medications & dosage

Personal ID

All the information required to identify you – but nothing that could be used against you (eg: only year of birth NOT date of birth)

Easy to Update

Just plug into a USB slot and update any information, or upload new travel documents – You can’t do that with engraved ID!

Internationally Recognised

All ID products display the internationally recognised medical symbol – The Paramedic Star with Staff & Snake and ICE (In Case of Emergency).

More Space

You are not limited to a few lines of information.  The personal emergency ID software can hold more information than you could wish for by using the ‘Further Info’ option or uploading files.

No Ongoing Costs

Some subscription based ID solutions charge around £32 / €38 / $42 per year to keep your information available via a call centre.  MEkey ICE ID is a one off cost with NO ongoing costs.

No Call Centres To Contact

All the information is held on the USB, so no call centres to phone for information.  Simply plug in to a USB to view or update the information.

Upload & encrypt documents

Upload & securely store files – if you are travelling, upload backup copies of your tickets, scan of your passport and other vital documents

Safe & Secure

Unlike a basic text file all information is automatically encrypted and decrypted for viewing.

Password Protected

All pre-loaded forms are encrypted and password protected – We love secure!

Multi Language Translation

The Public screen information can be translated into six languages – ideal for touring abroad

More About MedicalID Record

Find out more about MEkey ICE ID emergency medical ID record and how it works

When you can't speak for yourself MEkey ICE ID provides vital emergency & medical information.