Tag - cycling id

bike expo manchester

Bike Expo Manchester 2016

Everything on two wheels – Bike Expo is the ultimate festival of cycling, featuring the latest cycle gear and equipment on the market, live coaching demos and seminars, celebrity guest appearances, elite and amateur indoor cycle racing, and much more. Whether you’re seasoned in the saddle or a complete newcomer to the sport, Bike Expo has something for you. Bike Expo runs alongside Swim Expo, Run Expo and Tri Expo. One ticket, four Expos, so this provides excellent value for a [...]

Cycle To Work Day 3 September 2015

Cycle to Work Day 2015

Cycle to Work Day is a national event, which aims to encourage everyone to take to two wheels and cycle to work on September 3rd 2015. It’s become a celebration of everyday cycling! According the census data, 760,000 people in the UK cycle to work regularly – this number keeps growing steadily, but with Cycle to Work Day’s help we are aiming to make those numbers skyrocket this year and beyond! By 2021, we hope to see 1 million people regularly [...]

id for cyclists

ID for Cyclists, Emergency ID for Cycling

Cyclists ID – It doesn’t matter if you are a road cyclist, mountain biker, leisure cyclist, or training for a cycling event, or just an active person, MEkey ICE ID is for you. In the event of an accident, if you can’t speak for yourself, your MEkey ICE tag will be the key to who you are. It’s not just a piece of kit – it’s peace of mind. MEkey ICE ID Tag is a USB medical record contained within [...]