Frequently Asked Questions
We have tried to answer as many questions about MEkey ICE ID Tags as possible on this page. If you can’t find an answer to your question here just drop us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively use our live chat facility – if we are offline you can click to leave a message.
Please refer to the instruction leaflet on how to enter the default password. This is highlighted in red
Double click on ‘My Computer’ or ‘This PC’, in the next window you should see a removable drive with the MEkey ICE logo. Double click this drive and then double click the ‘load-mekey’ icon. The personal medical record software should now launch.
Check you are using a version of Windows that is compatible with the MEkey ICE ID Tag (XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10).
Try removing the tag, then re-insert it, also try a different USB port or different computer to check the USB ports are working correctly.
Press in on the black lever on the side of the USB Dog Tag and slide forward with the gold connector uppermost (if the port is horizontal). While still holding the lever, insert the USB into your computers USB port. Once the USB device is full inserted into your computer you are ready to begin.
It does not run natively on Apple Macs. It will run on a dual boot (Windows/Mac OS) Intel based Mac. Most Apple users set their MEkey up on a friends PC, and as no files are copied to the local PC there are no security issues.
Also most emergency services will be running some form of Windows based PC.
The emergency medical screen will automatically shut down when an incorrect password has been entered. This is a security feature to stop people trying to guess your password.
Try your password again, making sure ‘caps lock’ is not on (if you originally set your password in lower case). Try to remember if you used capitol letters anywhere in the password.
Your password in not recoverable as it is encrypted within the application. This is a security feature to stop anyone changing your information. The information already on your MEkey ICE ID Tag will still be available, but you will not be able to edit it.
If you are within the first six month period after purchasing we offer a ‘swap out’ program. We will exchange your MEkey ICE ID product for a new one, the owner will incur postage charges. No swap outs will be accepted without contacting us first for further information.
We also offer remote assistance to get you back up and running.
There is no forgotten password ‘hint’ option as the bespoke medical ID software is not internet based – it runs direct from the MEkey ICE ID Tag.
No. It’s totally up to you what information you fill in. If there is a section that you don’t want to fill in, just leave it blank.
Yes. This is just there to show no data has been entered yet. When you are editing the forms, any fields that have the word ‘Empty’ in them you can just delete it and enter your data, or just leave it blank.
No – All the information you enter is just enough for medical personnel to look after your well being. This is one reason there are no spaces for your address, date of birth, home phone number etc.
The only information on the Public Screen that relates directly to you is the EHIC information, and if you feel uncomfortable about entering this data – simply don’t
Yes you can – That’s the great thing about having your medical information on a USB. Simply click on the ‘File Management’ button on the main screen, this will open up a window where you can upload files to the device.
They are then stored on your MEkey ICE ID device. eg. Scans of your driving licence, travel insurance, passport….. anything
If you want keep your files secure then there is an ‘Encrypt File’ feature. Once a file is encrypted it is virtually impossible for anyone else to read it without your unique password. But don’t forget your password 🙂
All MEkey ICE ID tags come with 1GB of storage, that’s plenty to store all your important documents and files.
eg: A 300 page .pdf file is about 22mb
(although .pdf files can vary in size due to quality settings)
You don’t need to worry about the size of the picture as the software will automatically scale it to fit. But the nearer the correct size would be better for quicker loading.
The aspect of the photo should be a portrait photo – ideally just of the head and shoulders (like a passport photograph)
The format of the file should be a .jpg – most digital cameras and phone cameras use this format.
The software only support the .jpg file format. If your picture is in any other format it will not show. You will need to get the file converted to .jpg
Make sure you have selected a portrait (tall) photograph
The emergency services are trained to check or ask the patient if they are wearing a medical information device.
The MEkey ICE ID tag features the paramedic star incorporating the staff and snake design, this along with the letters ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency) will alert emergency personnel it’s a medical information device.
MEkey ICE ID is based in Sheffield, so we spend a lot of time in the Peak District. We know Edale Mountain Rescue Team has a mobile incident control vehicle (DM4) which has built in computer, printer and communications facilities.
The ID key-ring is IP58 rated. It has been tested in 1m of water for 26 hours. Allowed to dry it was still working perfectly.
All devices except the ID key ring are Water & Dust resistant, IP57 rated. They are designed to withstand any fresh water splashes, dust, sun etc. They are not designed to go swimming in so if possible take it off before hand. Salt water is also corrosive, so if it comes into contact with salt water wipe down with a clean (fresh water) damp cloth as soon as possible.
Yes its can. Simply press the ‘Print Information’ button and all the personal, medical and emergency information will be automatically sent to the default printer.
No, internet access is not required to use or edit the data. All the medical, personal and emergency information is stored on the USB tag.
No, MEkey ICE ID tags are self contained devices and can be edited anywhere you have access to a PC. The software runs directly from the USB and no information is copied to the host PC.
Yes you can, just cut off the amount required. But make sure you trim down the end WITHOUT the clasp.
What could be better than buying the gift of peace of mind for someone? By buying one of our Gift Certificates the recipient will be able choose the product (size and colour if they decide on a wristband) of their choice. If it’s for a loved one, what can be better than making them safer and giving you peace of mind.
Simply purchase a MEkey ICE medical ID eCard, and we will send your gift directly to the email address you provide. Available in any amount up to £100. Redeemable online, by phone or post.
See our Gift Card page for more information or the Gift Card purchase page
Using one of our gift cards to purchase ID products from the store is really straight forward.
- You need your unique gift certificate code, which is part of the gift certificate that was emailed to you. It will look something like A32-YOO-463-XZA.
- Browse the store and add items to your cart as you normally would.
- Click the ‘View Cart’ or ‘Checkout’ link to view the contents of your shopping cart.
- Type your gift certificate code in to the box that shows after clicking ‘ Have a gift card? Click here to enter your code ‘ then click ‘Apply Gift Card’.
- The value of the gift card with now be taken off your total. If your cards value is more than the cart total, the remainder will be available for another purchase.
- PayPal is one of the most secure online transaction gateways in the business. They have instant name recognition, and over 210 million members worldwide. We know you can trust a PayPal transaction to be secure, fast and reliable.
- MEkey ICE ID do not hold any of your credit card details, because all financials are undertaken with the PayPal gateway, so your order will go secure when you are ready to purchase.
- PayPal meets the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) required by American Express, Visa, MasterCard International, and others.
- PayPal no longer requires you to become a member to utilise our e-commerce solution, but its a good idea as there are thousands of companies worldwide who accept PayPal
- You can feel secure in the fact that PayPal does not rent or sell your information to third parties. Click to see their privacy policy.